söndag 29 november 2015

A great person

Jag håller på att läsa en bra bok, "Marva Collin's way". Marva Collin, a great person. Häromdagen gick jag till Kulturhuset och lämnade ett inköpsförslag av denna bok till Stadbiblioteket. Om föräldrar och lärare har läst om Marva Collin's way, är jag övertygad om att många problem i svenska skolor har blivit lösta. :-)
"So the lesson of the story is one of the most important lessons you can learn. The person who does the work will be the one who has plenty of food, good clothes, and a fine house. the lazy person is always going to be standing there with his hand out. You have the choice, the right to choose which kind of person you want to be." Marva hade played her full hand. A teacher had to sell children on the idea of learning.

We have to teach children self-reliance and self-respect. We have to teach them the importance of learning, of developing skills, of doing for thenselves. The legacy I want to leave behind is a generation of children who realize that you can't get something for nothing, who are proud and resourceful enough to take care of their own. In this messed up world, the only children who are going to make something of themselves are those who come from strong parents or those who have a strong teacher. One or the other. Or both.
A Winner Never Quits and a Quitter Never Wins! Winners in Life Respond Positivly to Pressure. If Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade. Each day the children repeated those sayings.
Marva was trying to give the children something more to look forward to in life than they could see in Garfield Park. She reminded them, "No one can take your knowledge from you. You are the only ones who will determine whether you succeed or fail in life. you must never give up. Always try to fly."
"You determine what you will be, what you will make of yourselves. I am here to help you, but you must help me to do that. you can all win if you do not spend too much time trying to fail."
Marva followed the Socratic method, in which a teacher asks a series of easily answered questions that lead the student to a logical conclusion. To the philosopher's method she added her own brand of energy, pacing up and down the aisles, patting a head, touching an arm, rattling off questions, complimenting answers, and employing grand histronics. The lesson did not end with the last line of the fable. It was time to strike the moral.
Ovan är några stycken från första halva av boken.

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