söndag 21 maj 2017

Ready set go

I have recommended two books. "The road less traveled" by M. Scott Peck. "Happier" by Tal Ben-Shahar. Here is the third book I recommend - "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind " by T Harv Eker. It is important to read these three books in the right order. :-)

One of the things I learnt from Peck - I strive for higher level. How high can human being strive to? Closer to God.

One of the things I learnt from Tal - I do often and more often things that make me feel good, and I have enough time for that. 

One of the things I learnt from Harv - Why I should be willing to promote? "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door" is only true if you add "if they know about it." 

Tal says: 
- Focus on what works. Learn from the masters.
- Coping. Coping means getting out of our comfort zone. Coping means taking risks, means daring, means having high expections and going for them. 
- Cultivate self-esteem. 

Harv says:
- Reprogram your thoughts after the rich people's.
- Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.
- Grow yourself to level 10. 

All true. All good. All my friends. Thanks! :-)

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