For about 10 years ago I was depressed after a seperation. When I saw the safe-instruction-video on a flight with my son I understood the meaning - put your gas-mask first then help your child with the gas-mask. Help yourself first, then you have the ability to help others.
Love others as you love yourself. How could you love others if you do not love yourself?
Think positively. Enjoy the journey. Coping. Learn from failure. Permit to be human being. Find out what I/you really want. Be on the upward spiral. :-)
Help by sharing. Help by shining. Think God. Thank God.
Tal-Ben Shahar also refers to the flight-safe-instruction in his lecture. Tal describes Warren Bennis so, "He would walk into the classroom, and the room would light up. It was his smile, his posture, his openness, his expressiveness ... made the person feel better about themselves."
Tal quotes a part of Nathanieal Branden's definition of self-esteem, “Self-esteem is the disposition to experience oneself as being competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and of being worthy of happiness. It is confidence in the efficacy of our mind, in our ability to think. By extension, it is confidence in our ability to learn, make appropriate choices and decisions, and respond effectively to change. It is also the experience that success, achievement, fulfillment – happiness – are right and natural for us. The survival-value of such confidence is obvious; so is the danger when it is missing.”
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