lördag 18 juli 2015

Tänk positivt

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.
A composer can have all the talent of Mozart and a passionate desire to succeed, but if he believes he cannot compose music, he will come to nothing. He will not try hard enough. He will give up too soon when the elusive right melody takes too long to materialize. (Martin Seligman)
Optimism is a tool with a certain clear set of benefits: it fights depression, it promotes achievement and produces better Health. (Martin Seligman)
En kollega ska åka till USA med flygbyte på 50 minuter, många blev lite oroliga för den korta tiden mellan flygen. Jag föreslog "Du kan förbereda dig. På ditt första plan kan du be att den landar i tid. Ifall det skulle bli försenat, kan du be att ditt  andra plan också blir försenat så du hinner ändå." :-)

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