The public is invited to free guided tours of the city's most unique and exciting buildnings and places when the Open House International Festival for the second consecutive year comes to Stockholm 6-8 October 2017. The festival aims to involve the public in the city's development and stimulate the interest in architecture and community building. I look forward to visiting some interesting places.
I visited OpenLab during last year's Open House. Very interesting. Openlab creates opportunities to make Stockholm a global centre for social innovation and improve the quality of life for its residents.
Yesterday I saw a challenge named "How do we keep healthy longer as we grow older", and submitted my idea named "Learn the simple Chinese exercises that strengthen the immune system".
I started my public account "坦然怡人" on WeChat some weeks ago. I am trying to live up to my full potential, and to inspire others to do so. I also see my pictures and texts as a window of Sweden for Chinese.
Swedes are innovative. If the innovative Swedes are willing to learn the best from China, they get the best of two worlds. I hope I can help more people to live healthily, happier and longer :-)